The project aims at increasing the capacity and raising awareness in combatting bullying among primary school communities, by providing them with multi-functional and multi-dimensional tools and practices based on a whole school approach.
The project aims at increasing the capacity and raising awareness in combatting bullying among primary school communities, by providing them with multi-functional and multi-dimensional tools and practices based on a whole school approach.
"Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me". In the past we would believe that while physical injury could have a lasting impact on a child’s emotions, confidence or sense of self-worth, verbal bullying (i.e. insults, name-calling and saying unpleasant things, etc.) would not. Today, we know that this is no longer true. While children are still threatened and victimized by the 'sticks and stones' style of physical bullying; these ‘names’ that they are called do indeed cause hurt and have a lasting impact on their emotional and mental well-being and development. Cyberbullying is a reality for many school children across the world and thus increasing the capacity and raising awareness in combatting bullying among primary school communities should be a must.
The overall objective of the Sticks'n'Stones project is to increase the capacity and raise awareness in combatting bullying among primary school communities, by the provision of appropriate multi-functional and multi-dimensional tools and practices.
To achieve this objective, the Sticks'n'Stones project consortium develops a series of educational interventions targeting local primary school communities, and invests in the CPD of primary teachers to enhance their teaching practice with the integration of digital technologies and challenge-based learning methodologies; while also supporting teachers to participate in a ‘whole-school’ approach to tackling instances of bullying in primary schools.
The Sticks'n'Stones project consortium adopts a whole school approach that builds a whole school programme that engages primary school leaders and teachers, pupils and parents in detecting and combating bullying of various forms, through targeted educational materials.
IO1 – Toolkit of Interactive Infographic Resources to Combat Bullying: These are interactive resources that are developed so that teachers and school leaders can display the infographics around their school so that pupils who are victims of, or witnesses to, bullying can follow the QR code to find self-help resources, supports and advice. These resources also include a series of challenge-based learning resources that teachers can deliver directly with pupils in their classroom.
IO2 – Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Training Programme for Primary Teachers: This programme comprises 50 hours of Continuing Professionals Development training and resources for primary teachers so that they can learn more about what they can do to tackle instances of bullying in their schools. The programme enables teachers to develop their pedagogic and digital skills to create their own interactive infographic resources and challenge-based learning resources that can then be applied to a variety of curriculum areas and topics.
IO3 – Sticks’n’Stones Digital Resources for Parents: These resources comprise short instructional videos, tip-sheets and self-care exercises that parents can complete with their children at home. The aim of these resources is to make parents aware of the dangers and threats that their children face from cyberbullies online. For this reason, these resources place an emphasis on educating parents about the platforms that young children are engaging on, and the controls and structures that are available through these platforms, which parents can apply to protect their children when they are online. The self-care exercises comprise short activities that parents can complete at home with their children, if they suspect that they are being targeted by cyberbullies.
IO4 – Sticks’n’Stones MOOC: This resource provides access to the Toolkit of Interactive Infographic Resources to Combat Bullying, the CPD Training Programme for Primary Teachers and the Sticks’n’Stones Digital Resources for Parents, to support the ‘whole-school approach’ to combatting bullying proposed in this application. It has all the features associated with best-practice in MOOC design and development.